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Register For ParentVUE

Creating a ParentVUE Account
Getting a Activation Key
Step 1: You will need an activation key to create your account. Go to the front office at your child’s school and present a photo ID to have an activation letter printed. Enter the first and last name and activation key as printed on the letter (if your name is misspelled in the letter or it has changed, let the office secretary or assistant know right away).
Register with ParentVue

To gain access to ParentVue's graduation-planning features, you need:

  1. A working email account of your own.  Do not use your students' email account.  [Note:  For advice on setting up a free email account, see the link below.]
  2. Your student's school ID number.
  3. Your student's date of birth.  


All Hamilton parents and students should register with both Canvas and ParentVue.

Here's why, and how.  These academic websites provide the following kinds of support:

  • Canvas helps you keep on top of your students' grades and stay in touch with your child's teachers.  It provides a special private way to contact your students' teachers by email.  It also lets you see what assignments your student is working on, what work is missing, and your child's quiz and test grades.
  • ParentVue lets parents review their child's year to year and school to school progress, track steps towards high school graduation, and update contact information (address and phone numbers).  Plus--this is really important--students use ParentVue to make their high school choice selection when they finish Eighth Grade!

If you have previously registered on both systems, great! Parents, please take a moment to confirm that you can log in to both sites:  Canvas and ParentVue.  [Note:  Student information is not visible on Canvas until after classes begin.]

If you've forgotten your password for either site, it's easy to recover.  Go to the parent login screen of either Canvas or ParentVue.  Click the "Forgotten password" link.  Provide your email address and the information you need will automatically be emailed to you.

We will gladly help you individually with Canvas or ParentVue registration issues.  Please drop by to see us during school hours.